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    September 28th, 2012

    How Women Can Make Simple and Powerful Change: A Hero's Journey

    “Bluntly honest, deeply moving and elegantly written…”

    My new book Life Reconnected, How Women Can Make Simple and Powerful Change: A Hero’s Journey will be published at the end of the year.

    I’ve written this book for women who feel their life is out of whack in some way. You may feel bored, directionless, hurt or angry and are struggling to make meaningful and lasting change. It explains why women find it hard to keep motivated and offers a way to make simple and powerful change by making the most of our difference.

    Illustrated by one woman’s personal journey, the psychological backdrop to how we make meaning in our lives is explained. Using NLP and coaching skills it offers a creative process that every woman can use whether you are young and just setting out into the world of career, relationships, and following your purpose, or you are in midlife and reflecting on what has been and what is yet to unfold.

    It is also for any woman who is a leader, trainer, teacher, mentor, parent, entrepreneur, business owner, politician or youth worker. Anyone who has the ability to influence and empower our young women leaders of the future.

    In a world of digital communication, a shout out for positive role models for women and how we can support each other to become leaders in our own lives, is made. It offers another way to find inspiration and ultimately find our own intuitive wisdom that is inside each and every one of us. It teaches us that by incorporating a sense of balance, love, connection and purpose in our lives, we will have lives we love to live.

    It will take you on a profound personal journey. In so doing together we can acknowledge, celebrate and become inspired by the lives of other women that already make up this big society we live in and in turn become inspired by our own intuitive wisdom and knowledge. We can find our own unique voice and we can start a new conversation, one that moves women forward.

    We can’t change the facts of our lives but we can change the story. Story changes perspective and that can change your feelings about the facts. How we voice that story and how we tell it to ourselves and others is the difference that makes the difference. It is powerful and in the book I describe how the Life Reconnected process offers a toolkit to facilitate this.

    It describes the Hero’s Journey, a powerful technique to bring about profound change, and how it has been tweaked by me to help you as a woman move forward in your life. It helps to get to your purpose and to overcome the blocks that prevent you from taking that purpose to the world.

    Watch this space to get info about how to buy the book when it is published – don’t worry I’ll let you know!

    Penny for your

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